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  • 300+

  • $650M+

    Transaction Volume
  • $1B+

    Total Assets Stored in Safes


Unified Dashboard

Make payments and generate financial reports across multiple accounts and chains

  • 1
    Safe Integration (formerly Gnosis Safe)

    Self-custody your assets using the most secure and trusted multisig solution.

  • 2
    Wallet Tracking Coming soon

    Track assets and transaction history for hardware and browser wallets (EOAs).

  • 3
    Smart Contract Tracking Coming soon

    Track vesting schedules, DeFi positions and other custom smart contracts.

CoinShift ecosystem.

Stefan george

Co-founder & CTO
Gnosis DAO

Coinshift's ability to consolidate multiple Safes across networks into one unified dashboard — with cashflow reporting and portfolio history — helps bring greater transparency and operational efficiency to on-chain treasury management.


Simplified Payments

Process payroll, grants and expenses with confidence and ease

  • 01

    Mass Payouts

    Pay 150 addresses in multiple tokens in a single transaction.

  • 02

    Stream Payouts

    Automate payments with money streams that pay by the second.

  • 03

    Recurring Payments Coming soon

    Schedule recurring payments to simplify payroll.

  • 04

    Payment Requests Coming soon

    Employees and contributors can submit an invoice in crypto for direct and prompt compensation.


Accurate and Auditable Reporting

Get real-time insights into the health of your treasury, generate financial reports and increase transparency for your community and investors

Kenneth Ng

UNI Grants Program

Coinshift has been there with us since the start of the UNI Grants Program. We realized the limitations of using other services with frequent disbursements and grantee tracking. This comes in both time and financial savings with their batched transactions.


More Features

  • Contacts

    Use an organisation-level address book to save time and reduce errors.

  • Off-chain Proposals

    Transform how you manage transactions, reduce admin time on signers and eliminate costly errors.

  • Interact with dApps

    Swap, bridge, provide liquidity, borrow, vote and more, directly from your Gnosis Safes.

  • Track NFTs

    Track your entire NFT portfolio across multiple treasury accounts and networks.

  • Notifications

    Get notifications for your transaction activity

  • Invite Members

    Invite any wallet address to view your dashboard and propose transactions

Coinshift has radically transformed the way we send payroll, and we can't do it differently anymore! From mass payouts to streaming payments on one platform and through a super simple and sleek interface!

Samyak Jain (Co-Founder)

Coinshift streamlines the process of sending large volumes of cryptocurrency payments to vendors, ensuring that the transactions are easy to understand and secure.

Pudgy Penguins
Lorenzo (CTO)

Coinshift's intuitive interface has not only been a pleasure to use but has helped improve operational efficiency of treasury management, reducing the risk of human error and streamlining DAO governance.

Perpetual Protocol
Yenwen Feng (Co-Founder)

It’s been a great experience using Coinshift as it has simplified the entire life cycle of carrying out a transaction. From initiating to accounting for a transaction, we can do it all from one place.

Arshita Khetan (CFO)

The Coinshift team does an amazing job of listening to user feedback and delivering new features to improve DAO treasury management. Their willingness to collaborate with others in the ecosystem such as Superfluid and UMA brings innovative products to this new landscape.

UMA (Risk Labs)
Kevin Chan (Treasurer)

As well as creating a platform that helps the world a better place, one of EarthFund's core missions is to make crypto accessible and simple by placing a premium on UX and usability. That's something we immediately had in common with Coinshift, so we couldn't be happier about this partnership.

Adam Boalt (Co-Founder)

Coinshift helped us streamline our payroll process. The mass payout feature allows us to pay all our employees in one transaction. It's a big time saver. I would recommend it to all companies that are paying salaries onchain.

Marc-Antoine Proulx (Operations Lead)

Coinshift has done a great job making treasury management for organisations more accessible through a specialised interface around Gnosis Safe contracts. I am very excited to see their cash flow reporting and integrations with web2 accounting tools.

Prime DAO
Luuk (Strategy)

Pleased to see how Coinshift has evolved through time.

It continues adding new features being able to anticipate users' needs. Definitely, a strategic tool in Web3 reporting.

Biaf (Head of Finance)

Coinshift has made our lives a lot easier in terms of paying our contributors.  We are heavy users of their mass payout feature which allows us to quickly calculate payouts using a .csv file.  Their interface is simple and intuitive to use and saves a lot of time when running payroll every week.

Gamma Strategies
Brian (Core Contributor)

Backed By

Backed By

Amit Vasudev


Hardi Meybaum


Sandeep Nailwal


Prabhakar Reddy


Anand Iyer


Shiva Rajaraman


Lenny Rachitsky


Copyright 2023, Multisafe Inc